I guess I am pretty lucky to have such an array of impossible things happen to me. I have a new in the new show about China that has odds of a million to 1 odds. Really. Just goofy how weird a story that is, HOWEVER… this one just happened yesterday and is quite cool. Especially since it involves FOUR COUNTRIES…

A while back I met an Irish gal running in Vancouver and we have bumped into each other a few different times. I got a text from her yesterday saying old roomates of hers who live in FRANCE (they relocated from FRANCE to IRELAND for a period of time a few years back), sent HER a text to say hi, and when they found out she was in CANADA, they said they shared a room with a nice fellow from CANADA in CHINA in MAY… guess who! Turns out ME!

How weird that this FRENCH couple that I roomed with in CHINA are were roomates in IRELAND with woman I have now run with in CANADA! Crazy!

This is a photo of her and one of her hiking buddies when they jumped off my dock in Pender Harbour (I am in the middle).

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