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It doesn’t pay to have big feet.
The LIVE show is very tightly edited and includes costumes, video, story telling and interactivity. Here are just a few stills to whet your appetite.
A fun TV spot from Vancouver TV.
“A VERY entertaining presentation!”
(Global TV News, Vancouver)
“A Great show!”
(City TV)
(Nardwuar the Human Serviette)
“Super show”
(Epoch Times, Ottawa)
On the fence? The comments below may give you an idea why do people line up 800 deep in the rain to see these fun shows…
AWESOME! (Sylvia Coleman, Vancouver)
“A very entertaining presentation. Loved it! Can’t wait to see more!” (Erin Lawrence – Global TV Vancouver)
“INCREDIBLE! It was like seeing the Clash at Bonds in New York in ’82… or seeing the Gruesomes at Club Soda! Incredible! (Nardwuar the Human Serviette, Vancouver BC)
Candid Comments after show (1)
“Solo in SA was an awesome show, my wife and I are big fans now, and we’ve got great stories for our respective coffee breaks tomorrow. The only issue is that I’ve had that “Tarzan Boy” song stuck in my head all weekend…. 😉 All the best!” (Chris Hughes, Ottawa)
“I have seen most of Willyums shows now – they are FANTASTIC!! This is NOT your usual travelogue show – still photography, digital video, soundtrack, props and costume changes, Willyums amazing stories performed live in accompaniment; he has been EVERYWHERE and not only has the pics to prove it but will weave you deeply into his experiences. You will laugh, cringe, gasp and leave TOTALLY entertained. GO SEE HIS SHOW!!!” (Eric allen Montgomery, Toronto)
“STELLAR – An amazing couple of hours – I was held entranced for the whole event.” (Randy Iwata, Mint Records Vancouver)
“Thank you for the newsletter we really enjoyed your show in Ottawa. I am hobby photographer and travel a lot for work and pleasure. Great photos of participants at your shows it was great meeting you and to share your experiences.” (Nicole Paré , Ottawa)
Candid Comments after show (2)
“Say, how many years has it been since you last presented a show in Ottawa, before this month’s shows that is? Seems like a decade. Glad to see you have not lost your love of travel and photography. I am also glad YOU went to South America (and not I). I’m not big on user unfriendly countries. I did three trips in those but I was accompanied by a tour guide, thank God! Thanks again for coming back down east. It is always nice to encourage a Canadian talent.” (Mario Lagacé, Ottawa, Ontario)
“Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your South America show on Thursday evening. You really put your heart and soul into the presentation and your love for what you do is evident. Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.” (Berni Koppe, Vancouver BC)
“One of the most entertaining things I have EVER been to” (Suzanne Morris, Vancouver BC)
“A really enjoyable show” (Sandra Steilo – Nanaimo Daily News)
“I was at Solo in South America last Thursday (and have tickets for this week’s Trekking in Tibet – yeah!) and wanted to let you know I thought it was amazing! It was even better than I expected (and I had HIGH expectations given all the hype I’d heard). You did an incredible job of capturing the true essence of the continent – the people, the culture, the history … everything! I particularly liked your use of video and stills – and your sense of humour is refreshing! Keep up the great work!” (Eryn Wiedner, Vancouver)
“Thank you for taking me on an amazing journey with you. You entertaining and wonderful stories even made me forget about how sore my butt was from the theater’s seats. ;0) You are truly a character that everyone would want to be their travel buddy and for a brief moment you are. I am looking forward to experience another William Jans Show, and sharing the experience with my friends.” (Melissa Irving – Fiorvento, Vancouver)
“Just wanted to take a sec to say how great your show was last Thursday. I’m really looking forward to Trekking with you in Tibet this week! You have a great, funny way of sharing your stories. looking forward to travelin’ with ya again!” (Corrie Miller, Rock 101 Vancouver)
“Caught the new show last night, and it was terrific! Great job. Highly entertaining! I especially loved the animal pics (I love boobies!)…..the Galapagos…….and the children, of course…. the salt flats were absolutely stunning. WOW! Macchu Picchu is incredible! Keep up the great work!”Laura Galloway, Richmond, BC)
“Your show in Nanaimo was FANTASTIC! It’s the most entertaining slide/video show I’ve ever seen. I told several friends in Victoria about it and some were able to attend. My daughter went to the Trekking in Tibet show in Victoria and said it was excellent. Keep up the great shows and superb photography!” (Bill Beese – Nanaimo , B.C.)
“Great show as usual! Everyone I was with thought it was a amazing and wanted to know all about how the whole show was put together.The technical glitch really didn’t detract at all … in fact I think it kinda helped everyone settle in and get cumpfy. It was a whole bunch of fun and everyone went away smiling!” (Sheldon Little, Toronto)
“I saw both of your shows this past week in Calgary and thought they were fabulous. Your enthusiasm is contagious and I don’t think I’ve ever met a more engaging person. I honestly couldn’t say I liked one more than the other, although I do have somewhat of a soft spot for South America.” (Kristy Osberg, Calgary)
“I heard of you through friends of friends of friends. I saw your show Solo in South America on Apr 7th and thought it was fantastic. Great job!” (Denise Arthurs, Port Moody, BC)
“I’ve watched your last two shows at the Ridge and I can’t get enough of them. Would you PLEEASE do the Nepal, India and Burma show?” (Shan Dewji, Vancouver BC)
“Great show in Nanaimo last week… THANKS… and the Bolivian Moonshine was good too!” (Mike Langlet, Nanaimo , B.C.)
“Just wanted to let you know that we attended your show and were flabergasted!!! What a trip you took us on!! I’m recommending your shows to everyone!” (Chris Newell – Port Coquitlam, BC)
“I was at your show last night at The Ridge. Loved it. As usual, the evening was extremely entertaining without losing sight of the realities of travelling different parts of the world.” (Carol McClelland, Burnaby, BC)
“My wife and I attended your presentation “Solo in South America .” We thoroughly enjoyed he evening and felt that you gave very good value for our money. Not only did your technical expertise and application surpass our expectations but also your live creativity and audience interaction. Your presentation was a theatrical presentation, not “just” a travelogue. But more, as well as conveying a vivid and enthralling view into the countries you visited, you were also a teacher of values. In sharing yourself, and in demonstrating your personal interaction with the people you met and photographed you taught us consideration and empathy for locals, appropriate behaviour, and you demonstrated an enthusiasm for sharing and adventuring – you illustrated courage as well as compassion. I hope some of these skills will stick with us in our future travels. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself.” (Brian & Sandy Wyndham, Surrey , B.C)
“Unbelievable show William! Quite possibly the best of the 3!” (Jeff Fisher, Vancouver, BC)
“I sent an email to a friend of mine, describing your show as follows: “Picture a crazed reality adventurer/digital backpacker/photo-video-blogging flying Dutchman – except he’s Canadian, and I’m not even sure if he’s got a blog!” (Jason Vanderhill, New Westminster, BC)
“I was one of those fortunate to attend the sold out show on April 7th – it was so awesome that I just purchased 2 tickets for May 5th and have told everyone I know and don’t know how wonderful these presentations are. Keep it up!!! I would love to see the Burning Man one you have posted on the website and the Burma one too :)” (Heather Baker, Vancouver BC)
“Your show last night was absolutely kick-ass. You have a gift for photography and a gift for interacting with people. Your cultural sensitivity is exceptional. I don’t like to make comparisons, but if Ian Wright can get his own show for his work on “Pilot Guides” on OLN, you should have a weekly TV series or something. You are much more entertaining than “Pilot Guides”. Your photography is stunning and your delivery is humorous and touching. Keep up the good work.” (Adrian Wilson, Vancouver BC)
“Just saw Solo in South America – INSPIRING! Can’t wait for the next. Cheers” (Blair Guppy – Vancouver BC)
“A few weeks back I saw your “Solo in South America” in Vancouver, and will be recommending your shows to anyone interested in international travel or creative uses for photography/video. Your show was the best “arm-chair” travel shows I have ever seen. Your creativity, humour, and lust for life has re-inspired me to begin again.” (Krista Phillips – Burnaby BC)
“All I can say is WOW. I was thoroughly entertained. Your show was amazing William. I have spread the word, that you ROCK. You are very inspiring, and took me to places that my challenged intestine wouldn’t allow me to physically go. There is no way in hell I would immerse my body into water that contained fish that may or may not swim up my urethra or anus. Gil and I were both left shaking our heads at that one.” (Marcia Urdang, Vancouver)
“Caught your South American show last week and have seen the Trekking in Tibet and Top of the World shows more than once each. Love them all. We’d love to see the Burma/Vietnam show that you are thinking of updating and showing again. Please do it! Thanks for entertaining us… keep on enjoying life.” (Mary Hearnden – Vancouver, BC)
“The show as usual was OUTSTANDING and full of laughter. Thank you for sharing your adventure. YES to a Burma presentation! Where can I buy tickets? If they were for sale I would have bought some. I have Burma on my list to see before I croak. I hope you can make enough income from your presentations so you can travel more and bring home and share your adventures.” (Ken Blowey, Vancouver BC)
“I saw the show last night. I saw the Tibet show a few weeks ago too. I wanna tell you I think the shows display a unique talent you seem to have. Amazing production, and inspiring. You have too much energy man it wears me out listening to the stories! I think you should DEFINITELY do one on Burma if you find the time to prep it. Keep me posted on these events.” (Rich Wheater, Vancouver BC)
“Loved Solo in SA! Thank you so much for bringing the world to us at home. I am very keen to see where you’ll go next…..would love to see Solo in SA again! PS BURMA, BURMA, yah, yah!” (Karen Fisher Hagel, Richmond, BC).
“Great great show! You are one heck of a adventurer and great ambassador for Canada.. Truly glad I finally found the time to make the show… I’ll be sure to pass on and highly recommend future shows to all my friends. Regards and safe travels.” (Kelly Smith, Langley BC)
“What an amazing presentation (AGAIN!). We really enjoyed ourselves! You’ve inspired us to go on our own tarantula-tickling, anaconda-arousing, perching Boobie-photographing, coca leaf-chewing, rainforest-traipsing, Carnivale-canoodling South American adventure. Thanks again for the phenomenal pics and the laugh-out-loud stories.” (Erin and Ian, Vancouver BC)
“Just wanted to write to tell you how amazing your “Solo in S. America” show was. My sister and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I’ve been telling stories to my husband about it all week, and I think I will have to take him to it since words just can’t describe the experiences you showed us. I’m certain that it will be just as funny and amazing the second time through as it was the first time. Keep up the good work !” (Susan Kam, URBAN RUSH – SHAW TV, Vancouver)
“Your show would totally be worth the flight in from Mississippi! Your enthusiasm is so contagious that I wanted to pull out my rucksack and hitch a ride out of town tonight! Looking forward to the next William Jans Travel Event!” (Sally Laird, Pine Springs Minnesota)
“We really enjoyed Solo in South America in Ottawa – feeling very foolish for having missed the Tanzania show – for which we had tickets, but forgot to come (!!!). We really enjoy your shows. Wish you came to Ottawa more often – you would see a lot more of us!” (Dominique & Al Racine, Ottawa)
Emails are infrequent. Lists are never shared. With shows selling out by word out mouth sometimes, early notification can be useful. William will reply to confirm you have been added. If the buttons don’t work for you, please email William directly
Hola Willian!
Thank you for letting me know your news, and I am amazed everything you have done since I meet you, lots of people looking for advices where to go in the world, so this is the one in the right time. I am very please for the footages about South America in special the pirahnas fishing.
Best Regards. Lenin (Ecuador)
How great to hear from you Lenin!! It was so great to go through the Amazon with you! Thanks for not letting the pirhanas eat me !