illiam Jans’ Live Travel Shows started in 1990 as a passion outside of his professional photographic career… now his absurd travel tales have been dubbed a “West Coast Phenomenon” and garnered rave reviews from media and attendees alike. 15 sold out shows so far! (some with over 850 people per night). The shows are considered “Virtually Interactive” and feature costumes, photos, videos, and wild stories. Come see why people line up in the rain for these RARE live shows!



  1. Jane Miller

    I will be living in Vancouver for 4 months. Any chance there are shows Jan -April 2012?

    • YES! There will be a BRAND NEW Show in March or April of 2012. Yahoo. I am guessing you are on my email list Jane? Thanks for the interest.

  2. Perhaps one day you should record one of your shows and host it up online for a pay-per-view basis. We’re now in Australia, but I’d love to see your new show!

    Cheers, and keep up the great work!

    • Thanks so much… You may have a good idea there and I will check that out. I was thinking “Blue Ray” but that is sooo 25 mintues ago 😉

  3. Kathy Danielson

    Are you planning any trips to Calgary? Love your presentations!
    Kathy D.

  4. George Forshaw

    William, love your Off the Wall in China show, looking forward to Tales from Tanzania next Friday. We are bringing more friends.

  5. Todd Malone

    Hey William – Wow! Just saw A Man A Plan Japan – like all your shows a great blend of the unusual and the fun but also chock full of educational content. Who know that Hakodate has the coolest tourist video in the entire world!

  6. Gordon Fenske

    Hey William
    When are you going to come to Victoria?

    • Hey Gordon! Cheers and I hope soon. I am trying to remember if I did JAPAN there too… do you recall. I hope to come with this new show soon ,but have a lot on my plate right now first handling these dates! Hope to see you out there soon, and thanks as always for your enthusiasm! Cheers Amigo!

  7. Carol P

    Forget armchair traveling. William’s shows are much more than that. Amazing photos, captivating video clips (some even with drones) and first hand stories of beautiful places. He isn’t shy to meet people and he immerses himself in the surroundings. This is traveling up close, sharing all his experiences, good, bad and funny. William consistanly delivers excellent shows that are not to be missed.

  8. Tanya Hansen

    Hi William ~ I just saw your amazing Morocco show. I am wondering if you are planning on a tour in the Kootenays any time soon. One of my best friends and I were in Morocco 36 years ago with my parents, as teenagers, when my dad had a job in Spain for a year. She lives in Nelson, and I know she’d love your show ~ it brings back memories of the beauty we saw, adventures we had and friendly people we met! No secret police, as far as I know…

    • Thanks Tanya for your lovely comment. I would love to do a show in Nelson then even got to see the cool theater there. I wonder if you know the people who work in that space and maybe I can chat with them to see if it could be cost-effective. Thanks so much. William! if it is too costly perhaps you know of a venue that might be around 200 to 250 seats that is affordable. 🙂


  1. Welcome to ShawConnect – Travel Blog – Off The Wall With William Jans - [...] information about his shows is at adventureChinaentertainmentshowtravelWilliam [...]
  2. Off The Wall With William Jans | Slice - […] More information about his shows is at […]

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