Stacked images again… so, it is a long way down, but they are worth seeing!
Thanks to the amazing people who came and made these memories!
**That is my Instagram feed on the right in case that flips your flop (@williamjans), but I would much rather you subscribe to my youtube please and thanks. If I get 1000 subscribers I can get my ad revenue back 🙂
the wonderful 4 km race.
Admiring the newly finished TCFP (Tiny Cabin Fire Pit) and yes that is one big rock (ramp)
Goodminton! No need to be negative 😉
So much sand to level this space. But it is now done in 2018 and lovely. Thanks to all who kindly helped! Love ya!
#18 May 2015 WKND PHOTOS 20150517 #17 AUG 2014 WKND PHOTOS 20140821 #16 JUNE 2014 WKND PHOTOS 20140613 #15 WKND PHOTOS 20130714 #14 MAY CHICKEN WKND PHOTOS 20130517 #13 AUG WKND PHOTOS 20120816 #10 AUG WKND PHOTOS 20110805 #9 JUN WKND PHOTOS 20110617 #8 AUG LONG WKND PHOTOS 20100823 #7 MAY LONG WKND PHOTOS 20100521 #6 MAY LONG WKND PHOTOS 20090515 #5 MAY LONG WKND PHOTOS 20080516 #4 MAY LONG WKND PHOTOS 20070518 #3 PRE MAY WKND PHOTOS 20070512 #2 AUG LONG WKND PHOTOS 20060804 #1 MAY LONG WKND PHOTOS 20060514