Pender Harbour Aug 2024

YOU’RE INVITED: 33rd camping weekend at my lot. Mirth & merriment. Fun fab folks. Swimming & cavorting. *other links at bottom of page.

DATES: Anytime between Thurs. Aug. 22 and Tues. Aug. 26.

E-mail William now

TO DO: lounge, swim, canoe, play Goodminton, floatfest-athon (again), watch movies, see wildlife, fire pit, hike, run, rope swings, chillax! Alcohol free preferred, thanks.

RSVP: please let me know if you can come! I hope so. Sorry no pets & please inquire before inviting others, thanks.

RIDE SHARE / CYCLING?: Carpooling possible. Reply at bottom of page and it will post, or contact me. Who is coming? I will try to update here as I know.

CONFIRMED ads of July 26, 2024: Brent, Risa and 3 kids, Ran Guin, KC & Eric, William, Harrisons, Des (and Diane?), Jeff Nishimura, Dread Pirate Roberts (Doug), visits by Erik and Ella,

MAYBE: Emily Davies, Eric Rannaud and family, Laura (maybe since bird keener), Elizabeth, Dikesh,

*I may go earlier to set up, help welcome. If I cycle I will be hoping for lift back.


  • MORE PHOTOS: This is based on my cabin rentals but you’ll see the area:
  • SAVE $ ON FERRY: “Coast Ferry discount card” saves $16 savings for car and driver alone, and more for passengers. Just load up their card with $100 (never expires) and you save about 30 percent each time.
  • Ferry traffic from H Bay to Langale link is here:

    *IF you are a bird-nut (or is it bird brain) 😉 Here is a list that keen birder Laura Moth saw within a couple days in May 2024 on the property:
    34 species in total!
    >> Common loon
    >> Rufous hummingbird
    >> Anna’s hummingbird
    >> Bald eagle
    >> Eastern Kingbird
    >> Hairy woodpecker
    >> Pileated woodpecker
    >> Hammond’s flycatcher
    >> Warbling vireo
    >> Cassin’s vireo
    >> Chestnut-backed chickadee
    >> Violet-green swallow
    >> Purple martin
    >> Common raven
    >> Red-breasted nuthatch
    >> Brown creeper
    >> Pacific wren
    >> House wren
    >> American robin
    >> Purple finch
    >> Pine siskin
    >> American goldfinch
    >> Dark-eyed junco
    >> Song sparrow
    >> Spotted towhee
    >> Brown-headed cowbird
    >> Orange-crowned warbler
    >> Yellow-rumped warbler
    >> Yellow warbler
    >> Townsend’s warbler
    >> MacGillivray’s warbler
    >> Western tanager
    >> +Sooty grouse (rare, likely near top of Pender Hill)
    >> +Great horned owl