Posted by Alfie the Cat on Jul 18, 2012 in BLOG | 2 commentsSPACE ODYSSEYS HAL COMPUTER IS CANADIAN!
2001 Space Odyssey’s HAL was born in Winnipeg! Douglas Rain (the voice of Hal) recorded his part with never seeing a stitch of film from the movie. That was intentional too since it kept the voice sounding Aloof and Neutral.
Due to the fact that infamous HAL voice had such an impact on society – a feeling of distrust, you will (virtually) NEVER hear a male voice in recorded voice prompts almost anywhere in the world. Hmmm… now it makes sense why all those messages from rotten phone companies are women… to try and avoid distrust.
*** Hal 9000 (the voice of Douglas Rain) was voted #13 villain in a list of the greatest movies of all time.
Thanks to Bernard for letting me know I had a wrong image in there (now removed)! I had one french Canadian actor Gilles Pelletier instead. Sorry about that!
The middle image is Gilles Pelletier, a french canadian actor, definitly not Douglas Rain.
Thanks for being so smart! I will fix that! THanks Bernard!!