Posted by Alfie the Cat on Jun 29, 2012 in BLOG | 2 commentsMy sister sent this to me today.
If it is hard to read it says:
“The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in a place that no one else has ever been”
It is attributed to Albert Einstein, but am not sure if it is Einstein’s quote – I cant find it on the web attached to him. It is really a great sentiment though and I am flattered to say my sister said she thought of me when she saw it.
Brother I need high resolution of your image. I like it and wish to make a banner
Thanks with regards
Azeem sulthan
Hi Azeem, I am not sure where it originates, My sister sent it to me and I recopied and pasted the text. You might be able to find it on the web or maybe you can make your own vista photograph and add the text overtop. That might be a fun project. Wishing you well, Cheers W@