Ok I am not working as hard as this guy in the photo from my new show who literally is wearing his shirt into threads, but no kidding this has been a crazy long day! No naps, No lunch, and a 2 hour break for dinner.

I got up at 5 am… I just woke up and since my head was spinning with pressures of things that need to be done for new show and just decided to start working. Went to bed at 2:10 am.

It can be nice to get things accomplished before the phones ring, but now that it is 22 hours and 10 minutes later… I should go to sleep.

Hope you all like the show and hope you all come to it! Cheers!

It really is 2:10 am as I write this, but I set it to go out in the morning… cause I suspect there are not too many other ninnies working this late! 😉

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