A man, a plan, Japan (streaming) jj
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Stream on computer (& send to your TV by HDMI cable if you wish, or your other preferred method). 72 hour access (3 days) from when you get link.
A MAN, A PLAN, JAPAN – Streaming
Payment option 1 (EASIEST & PREFFERED)
Please e-transfer $17.99 (price includes tax) to wrjshows(at}telus.net. You’ll get a confirmation of the auto deposit, and I will email you a link.
Payment option 2
$19.99 via credit card and PayPal (including tax and s/c).You’ll get a confirmation of the auto deposit, and I will email you a link.
“As always, William’s shows never dissapiont. I have seen him live many times and wanted to bring him in to my school. He wasn’t availible on short notice (my fault) but we did a streaming show of “A man, a plan, Japan.” It was great. Willim has put as much effort into his streaming show as he does his live shows, and the staff loved it. Thanks, William! (Cam Phillips, Vancouver)